Melibea and Adela: a Lorca’s rewriting of female rebelliousness against patriarchal symbolic violence


  • María Valeria Mancha Universidad Nacional de San Juan


gender violence, La casa de Bernarda Alba, La Celestina, social discourse


Perhaps the most rebellious female characters of the Spanish dramaturgy are Melibea, from La Celestina, a classic attributed to Fernando de Rojas, and Adela from La Casa de Bernarda Alba, a famous work by García Lorca. Both protagonists, young and libertine, want to live their love against the norms imposed on women by the society. These beautiful maidens decide to enjoy their passion in a free way, opposing with their actions against a destiny arranged by their parents; revealing themselves against the patriarchal symbolic violence. In this paper, I will study how is it exposed in these works the social discourse of women in its relationship with the medieval paradigm and Lorca’s context, in order to understand the dialogues between both dramatic texts. For this I will try to discover the traces of gender violence and the reactions of some female characters against it.


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How to Cite

Mancha, M. V. (2019). Melibea and Adela: a Lorca’s rewriting of female rebelliousness against patriarchal symbolic violence. Boletín GEC, (24), 96–111. Retrieved from