The ghost image: Missing and photo in two novels by Mario Bellatin




Photography – Mario Bellatin – Body – Image – Missing


In this article, we propose to analyze two short novels by Mario Bellatin that contain series of photographs. Outside of any idea of illustration, such books use images to extend the limits of the story and even to contradict the literality of the texts. On the other hand, the incomplete and fragmentary character of each image is related to the themes of both novels: the bodies that have a lack, which bring to the real the non-totality of the subject beyond its image in the mirror.



Bellatin, Mario (2009a). Biografía ilustrada de Mishima. Buenos Aires: Entropía.

Bellatin, Mario (2009b). Los fantasmas del masajista. Buenos Aires: Eterna cadencia.

Carus, Carl Gustav (1992). Cartas y anotaciones sobre la pintura de paisaje. Madrid: Visor.

Cherri, Leo (2020). “Mario Bellatin y la aparición de la imagen”. Cuadernos de Literatura, vol. 24, 2020. Disponible en:

Lacan, Jacques (2009). Escritos 1. México: Siglo XXI.

Lezama Lima, José (1993). Sucesivas y coordenadas. Buenos Aires: Espasa Calpe.



How to Cite

Mattoni, S. (2022). The ghost image: Missing and photo in two novels by Mario Bellatin. Boletín GEC, (30), 18–38.