Between the words and the images: La princesa de mis sueños by Fernanda Laguna




Fernanda Laguna, poetry, image, art, literature


How to approach pieces that move between literary and artistic “dispotives”? How to position the gaze in a poetry that uses images and a visual work that has inserted speeches? These are questions that this article will try to answer. The artistic work of Fernanda Laguna is within the contemporary proposals in which arts and literature can correspond, meet in the same space, dialogue, juxtapose, establish different types of links. The images, visual and discursive, and the relationships established between them will be analyzed in particular in La princesa de mis sueños (2018) by Laguna, a plastic artist who is led by the same practice to turn into poetry those images which are unapproachable from the space of a painting. In this way, we will observe in her poetry a discourse that draws, describes, paints images and, on the other hand, in his visual productions, the irruption of words.


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How to Cite

Noguera, V. (2022). Between the words and the images: La princesa de mis sueños by Fernanda Laguna. Boletín GEC, (30), 131–143.