Little Red Riding Hood is not a princess. The critical potential in a traditional character




children's literature, picture book, feminist narratives, Little Red Riding Hood, rewriting


This paper aims an interpretation of different rewritings of “Little Riding Red Hood”, in the light of the criticism of fairy tales in Feminist Studies and Children’s Literature Studies. Our inspiring hypothesis is that, since she is not a princess, this character holds a particular potential for rewritings that reject traditional gender representations, which are present however in the popular versions of “Snow White”, “Cinderella” or “Sleeping Beauty”. In order to frame the analysis, we first present the connection between the two fields of studies mentioned above, since the academic interest in Children’s Literature is fostered by the development of the feminist perspective on folk tales. Secondly, we suggest a brief but meaningful corpus of picture books that convey critical rewritings of “Red Riding Hood”. Our conclusion is that this character’s traits make her especially powerful for this kind of literature.

Author Biography

Andrea Pac, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral

Docente investigadora de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral.


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How to Cite

Cejas, A. G., & Pac, A. (2023). Little Red Riding Hood is not a princess. The critical potential in a traditional character. Boletín GEC, (32), 169–191.