Contemporary wars in 21st century Catalan playwriting




war, contemporary theatre, Catalan theatre, effects of war, performance


Catalan drama in the first two decades of the 21st century has also dealt with more contemporary wars, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine. This paper analyses a limited corpus of plays in the light of several theoretical approaches to the link between war and theatre. First, it examines plays that deliberately refer to war conflicts in the abstract: Presoners de l’aigua by Josep Lluís Roig, La pell en flames by Guillem Clua, Estralls by Jordi Casanovas and La finestra by Ignasi Garcia i Barba. Secondly, works dealing with well-known wars are considered: Dones, dones, dones and Bagdad –dones al jardí– by Manuel Molins, Testimoni de guerra by Pau Carrió i Llucià, Els gossos by Manuel Brugarolas and Em dic llibertat by Olena Romaniuk. From the interpretation of all of them, finally, a series of general reflections are inferred on the ethical value of war-themed drama, the disparity between its abstract and concrete approach, the coincidence in reflecting the effects of war –especially serious for the civilian population– and the functions that theatre can assume in the face of the horror of war.

Author Biography

Francesc Foguet i Boreu, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Francesc Foguet i Boreu is Professor of Literature and Theatre Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). With a PhD in Catalan Philology from this university and a diploma in Theatre Theory and Criticism from the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, he has specialised in the study of modern and contemporary Catalan theatre, the repression of Catalan writers and theatre censorship during the Franco dictatorship and the Republican theatrical exile. He has published several books on theatre during the Spanish War (1936-1939) and, among her most recent works, El teatro catalán en el exilio republicano de 1939 (2016) and Maria Aurèlia Capmany, escriptora compromesa (1963-1977) (2018). He has also published several books and articles on the Catalan actress Margarida Xirgu, and is preparing an essay on her legacy in Uruguay. For ten years he coordinated the Master's Degree in Theatre Studies at the UAB and the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona, as well as the Grup de Recerca en Arts Escèniques (emerging SGR). He is currently director of the Centre de Recerca en Arts Escèniques at the UAB and coordinates, together with Sandra María Ortega, the Red Internacional de Investigadores de Teatro Latinoamericanos y Europeos (International Network of Latin American and European Theatre Researchers, RIITLE).


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How to Cite

Foguet i Boreu, F. (2024). Contemporary wars in 21st century Catalan playwriting. Boletín GEC, (33), 48–72.