Po-ethics of war in the dramatics works of Matei Vişniec, Laurent Gaudé and Wajdi Mouawad: The theatre as a battlefield





geography of war, playwriting, counter-narrative, testimony


To raise the question of war is to raise the question of narrative. What is offered here is a reflection on the “narration” of war(s) in the dramatics works of Matei Vişniec, Laurent Gaudé and Wajdi Mouawad, in an attempt to highlight the characteristics and singularities of anti-heroic “narratives” that develop from a double perspective, from an oscillatory movement between actualisation and “essentialization”, history and myth, fragmentation and linkage, synchrony and diachrony, plurality and unity. The texts seem to elaborate a sort of po-ethics of war that subsumes oppositions and paradoxes in an effort to apprehend History in its catastrophic dimension, privileging the sense of the human and affirming the superiority of the word.

Author Biography

Fabienne Crastes, Università di Corsica

Fabienne Crastes holds a PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from the Université de Perpignan, is a professor at the Università di Corsica, at the INSPE (Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l’Éducation) and is in charge of the inspection and training of secondary school Spanish teachers in Corsica. She is a member of the LISA laboratory (Lieux, Identités, eSpaces et Activités) at the Università, the CRAE (Centre de Recerca en Arts Escèniques) at the UAB and the RIITLE (Red Internacional de Investigadores Teatrales Latinoamericanos y Europeos). In recent years she has focused her research on contemporary Catalan theatre as an alternative space for reflection on the construction of identity, the relationship with the other and the various forms of power exercised in our societies. She is interested in the themes of cultural confrontation, the integration of voices from the margins and particularly in female theatrical figures in the Mediterranean sphere. She investigates the notion of the border in its spatial, metaphorical and linguistic dimensions, carrying out translation projects (Corsican-Catalan-French).


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How to Cite

Crastes, F. (2024). Po-ethics of war in the dramatics works of Matei Vişniec, Laurent Gaudé and Wajdi Mouawad: The theatre as a battlefield. Boletín GEC, (33), 24–47. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.43.052