The modern Mexican war and its effects on the exercise of dramatic production




Mexican theater, dramaturgy, violence, drug war, politics


This article refers to the federal government´s declaration of war against drug cartels and organized crime. Although this motion was made during the six-year presidential term of Felipe Calderón Hinojosa (2006-2012), the effects that also hit the civilian population and the most disadvantaged sectors have not ceased to be felt, in a sequel of horror: extortion, forced displacements, human trafficking, displacements and violations of all kinds that lead to murder. On the other hand, an important trace of Mexican dramaturgy and theater, through diverse and attractive structural paths, attends to the voice of urgency and visibility, making this irrepressible barbarism the reason for its exhibitions. The unstoppable erosion of the ruling class and the conditions of survival stand as a stage for the exposure of ignominy, corruption, and power.

Author Biography

Hugo Salcedo Larios, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México

Hugo Salcedo Larios holds a PhD in Philology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. He completed a postgraduate degree in Theory and Criticism of Theater at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona and a Diploma in Intercultural Theology at the Universidad Iberoamericana. Essayist and playwright, winner -among others- of the Tirso de Molina International Award in Spain for El viaje de los cantores and the International Award of Scenic Research for Children and Youth ASSITEJ-Spain, for his work La migración en el teatro para la infancia y la juventud de México (Migration in theater for children and youth in Mexico). Some of his plays have been translated, broadcast for radio, published or performed in English, French, German, Persian, Korean, Czech, Italian and Hungarian. He was a member of the Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte (SNCA) of the Fonca. He is currently a member of the National System of Researchers (SNII) of Conahcyt, level 2. He is a full-time academic at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City. The Ibero presented him with the 2018 FICSAC Award for excellence in academic research, an award he won again in 2020 and 2021. His research topics focus on systematic and structural violence in topics such as forced migration, femicides, homophobia, theater for small and young audiences, etcetera.


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How to Cite

Salcedo Larios, H. (2024). The modern Mexican war and its effects on the exercise of dramatic production. Boletín GEC, (33), 146–172.