Cincuenta años (2023) by Marcelo Leonart: War and memory from the urgency of the present




Chile, Golpe Militar, guerra, dramaturgia chilena del siglo XIX, Marcelo Leonart.


In 2023 Chile commemorates the fifty years of the Military Coup that ended the Popular Unity Government, led by socialist president Salvador Allende. Within the framework of this commemoration, multiple activities were carried out in reference to the trauma that the collapse of a country project meant. The play Cincuenta años, written and directed by Marcelo Leonart, and performed by Colectivo El Pony, addresses the wound of the Military Coup from a gender perspective, inscribed in a context of 19th century war. In this article we will address female discourse and its scenic representation, in a dramaturgy of a state of war, since it is women who suffer from war. In this way, the war, from 50 years ago or more, will penetrate the bodies and ways of thinking of four young women, sheltered in a house, like a trench.

Author Biography

Tania Faúndez Carreño, Universidad del Bío-Bío

Tania Faúndez Carreño is an actress, director, teacher and theater researcher. She holds a degree in Acting from the Universidad de Chile, and a PhD in Theater Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. President of the Republic Fellow, Government of Chile (2008-2013). Her lines of research are the dramaturgies of war, the Latin American rite and theater applied to education. As an actress she has acted under the direction of various national theater directors and has directed the plays Dulcinea encadenada (CCE, 2017), Auto sacramental La Araucana (Fondart Regional, 2016), La cuerpa (2016) and in co-direction with Sandra Araneda Capacidad de pago (2015). She has worked as an actress with filmmaker Edén Rodríguez in the short films Yakumba (2022), Plato de agua (2023) and Amárrate a Salamanca (2024). She has also been an evaluator for the Fondo de Fomento y Desarrollo de las Artes Escénicas, of the Ministerio de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, in various lines. She is currently an Academic of the Department of Arts and Letters of the Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chillán, and is director of the company Teatro del Nuevo Mundo. She is also a member of the International Network of Latin American and European Theater Researchers (RIITLE).


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How to Cite

Faúndez Carreño, T. (2024). Cincuenta años (2023) by Marcelo Leonart: War and memory from the urgency of the present. Boletín GEC, (33), 201–219.