The unfinished battle: The War of the Pacific from the perspective of Peruavian playwrights of the 21st century


  • Ernesto Barraza Eléspuru Universidad Científica del Sur



Peruvian theatre, Peruvian playwriting, Pacific War, theatre and war, theatre and corruption


The article studies the Peruvian theater written in the present century about the Pacific War, taking into account that this war that faced Perú and Bolivia against Chile between 1879 and 1883, modified the perception and ideas about “nation” and its consequences can be traced to modern days. This study is based on the hypothesis that the Peruvian drama written during this century seeks to demystify aspects of this war by approaching it from a historicist perspective that questions, among other elements, the figure of the hero and take this event as an excuse to reflect on the Peruvian nation project as a republic marked by a systemic corruption of its ruling class.

Author Biography

Ernesto Barraza Eléspuru, Universidad Científica del Sur

PhD in Theatre Studies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Dean of the Performing Arts Department at the Universidad Científica del Sur. General Director of the Festival de Artes Escénicas de Lima (FAE). Founding member of the International Network of Latin American and European Theatre Researchers (RIITLE), attached to the UAB. He has published articles about Peruvian theatre in specialised journals and publications. He has given workshops, seminars and conferences at universities, cultural centres and institutions in Lima, Cusco, Barcelona, Madrid, Mexico City, Guadalajara, Puebla, Bogotá, Warsaw and Frankfurt. Among his most recent works as a stage creator are his autofictions Los héroes de mi patria (2024) and Transgeneracional (2022). Between 2010 and 2023, he was in charge of the artistic direction of BreakTeatro, a company he co-founded. In 2021 he published Trilogía de la pandemia, a compilation of his own dramatic texts written during the pandemic. He has written, directed and produced more than fifteen plays. Some of his plays have received recognition in awards such as Sala de Parto del Teatro La Plaza and the Centro Cultural Peruano Británico.


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24-07-2024 — Updated on 31-07-2024

How to Cite

Barraza Eléspuru, E. (2024). The unfinished battle: The War of the Pacific from the perspective of Peruavian playwrights of the 21st century. Boletín GEC, (33), 121–145.