Absence of war does not mean peace: Conflict as the creative impulse of scenes





war, necropolitics, necronarrative, playwriting, mortification


This article is the result of a research-creation process and explains how the thematic figures of some theatrical texts were constructed on the basis of the concept of necropolitics presented by the philosopher Achille Mbembe. His essay unveils procedures of historical narratives that in reality cover up necropower and legitimise it. Based on it, procedures for a critical fictional narrative were then devised and implemented to elaborate dramas that show the path of mortification of the central characters in a situation of war (practical or allegorical). The creative process ultimately consisted of a poetic-theatrical transposition of Mbembe’s thought: the necropolitical flipside of processes conducted by the public administration is exposed.

Author Biography

Aldri Anunciação, Universidade Federal da Bahia

Bahian writer Aldri Anunciação (Jabuti Literature Award - 2013) is a playwright, writer, screenwriter, theater director and actor. He recently released the novel Pretamorphosis: Biografia não autorizada de um ex-branco (Editora Malê) and is the author of Trilogia do confinamento (Ed. Perspectiva). He won the award for Best Screenplay at the Indie Film Festival in Memphis, USA and the Manuel Barba Award for Best Screenplay at the Huelva Festival in Spain. He received the Candango Award for Best Actor at the Brasilia Film Festival in 2018. He is the author of the play Namíbia, não! (2011), which had more than one million spectators in theaters in ten years of seasons. He was one of the screenwriters of the film Medida provisória. He is playwright and director of the theatrical adaptation of the book Pequeno manual antirracista by Djamila Ribeiro. He received the Decoration for Cultural Merit in 2014. He stars in the science fiction series A Bênção on Canal Brasil. She presents and writes the programs Conexão Bahia and Conversa Preta on TV Bahia, a Rede Globo affiliate. She acted in the films Ilha and Café com canela, directed by Ary Rosa and Glenda Nicácio. She defended her doctoral thesis in dramaturgy entitled A poética da discordância: Autodescolonização do autor através da descolonização da personagem de ficção at Universidade Federal da Bahia (2021). He is currently working on the theatrical adaptation of the successful book Torto Arado by Itamar Vieira Jr.


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How to Cite

Anunciação, A. (2024). Absence of war does not mean peace: Conflict as the creative impulse of scenes. Boletín GEC, (33), 263–280. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.43.062