The Dys(/u)topias in Post-literary Adaptation: Radical and Concrete Utopia




post-literary adaptation, fidelity, utopia, dystopia, uchrony


Radical and Concrete Utopia are two adaptations released in 2023, whose point of union is based on two key axes for the theme of this article. On the one hand, both participate in the phenomenon of post-literary adaptation, the first-one as those film stories arising from the transformation processes of the digital press and the second-one because of the cinematographic transposition from the webtoon; on the other hand, the concepts of utopia and dystopia go through the content of both narratives, although in opposite directions. While Radical proposes a dystopian scenario that evolves towards the utopian ideal, Concrete Utopia, on the other hand, proposes an utopian account that becomes post-apocalyptic dystopia. In this context, the aim of this essay is to present and analyze the dys(u)topia term, which would encompass the uchronic processes present in the case studies through the theoretical procedure of adaptation studies and the post-literary adaptation typical of the 21st century, without forgetting the eternal debate about the fidelity question.


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How to Cite

Lea, D. (2024). The Dys(/u)topias in Post-literary Adaptation: Radical and Concrete Utopia. Boletín GEC, (34), 163–181.