The Maternal Feat of a Future Democracy: Body, Allegory and Utopian Impulses of Motherhood in Tiempo de espera (1998) by Carme Riera and La historia de los vertebrados (2023) by Mar García Puig




motherhood, utopia, democracy, Spain, literature


This article aims to analyze the utopian impulse in the maternal bodies of Tiempo de espera (1998) by Carme Riera and La historia de los vertebrados (2023) by Mar García Puig based on the concepts of Ernst Bloch’s utopian thought (2007), the heterotopic corporalities of Michel Foucault (2008) and the corporal allegory of Fredric Jameson (2009). Since both literary works go through the writing of a record of the pregnant body in hybrid formats (such as autobiography, diary or essay) while reflecting on the future vicissitudes of Spanish democracy, I propose to understand them as paradigmatic fictions to delve into the utopian daydreams of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. In this sense, I am interested in proposing as a reading hypothesis the analysis of both textualities from the axes of corporality and the allegory of maternal voices, given that these nuclei operate in the mother's body in a parallel way, articulating her heterogeneous utopian impulses. In this way, it is possible to study the convergences or divergences of this maternal power both on the corporal level – the material relationship of the narrator mother with her offspring (the second daughter, in the case of Riera, the first-born children, in the case of García Puig) – as in the allegorical – the connotations of pregnancy linked to the democratic future of the country/nation –, allowing us to simultaneously explore joyful and dissatisfied modulations of motherhood in the present as well.


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How to Cite

Romano, A. S. (2024). The Maternal Feat of a Future Democracy: Body, Allegory and Utopian Impulses of Motherhood in Tiempo de espera (1998) by Carme Riera and La historia de los vertebrados (2023) by Mar García Puig. Boletín GEC, (34), 62–87.