Depicting a Fateful Future: Emergency and Exception Policies in Two Contemporary Latin American Novels




dystopia, cloning, Artificial Intelligence, segmentation, exception policies


This paper delves into a descriptive analysis of the programmatic city as depicted in the novels El sueño de Mariana (2008) by Salvadoran writer Jorge Galán, and Angosta (2003) by Colombian writer Héctor Abad Faciolince. The study seeks to answer the following questions: a) What is the purpose of organizing urban landmarks within the narrative structure? b) How is the urban dystopia shaped? c) What stylistic features and narrative-compositional strategies do the authors employ? Drawing on these inquiries, we describe the mechanisms of intervention in civic life portrayed in both fictions, where artificial intelligence, cloning, cybernetics, and robotics are utilized as segmentation, separation, and exclusion tools, foretelling a dystopian future.


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How to Cite

Mora-Ballesteros, L. (2024). Depicting a Fateful Future: Emergency and Exception Policies in Two Contemporary Latin American Novels . Boletín GEC, (34), 88–109.