The social discourses of Gabriela Mistral and the urgency for the visibilization of female voices


  • Paola Antúnez Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Gabriela Mistral, Social discourses, Patriarcha system, Female voices, Ideology


The existence of a multiplicity of social discourses has great relevance in people's lives, so they allow us to reflect on daily practices, on the common places from which the subjects think of themselves and others, and the recurring themes that run through them at a given time. From this, two social discourses of the Chilean author, Gabriela Mistral, were analyzed: on the one hand The instruction of women [1906] and, on the other Organization of women [1925]. To carry out this work, some concepts worked by Marc Angenot in relation to social discourses were taken, such as hegemony and counter-hegemony and Elsa Drucaroff, gender order and class order. In this sense, it was observed in these speeches echoes of women's voices silenced in the word and that, based on the author's world views and assessments, the word of others transcends in her own voice, operating as an instrument to make visible those extirpated. by the history. The importance of these Mistral speeches lies in the fact that his voice represents all times and can be analyzed from contemporary social constructs.


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Author Biography

Paola Antúnez, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Professor of Language and Literature at the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the National University of Cuyo. She is Head of Practical Works in "Semiotics" and teaches at the undergraduate course for Children and Teenage Literature in "Semiotics of Literary Text". She has a diploma in Writing, Reading and Education from FLACSO and in Text Correction (spelling and style) from UNCuyo. She teaches at the IES 9002 "Tomás Godoy Cruz".


ANGENOT, Marc. 1989. El discurso social: problemática de conjunto. Un état du discours social. Le Préambule, Montréal.Traducción de cátedra Semiótica. Escuela de Ciencias de la información Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

BUBNOVA, Tatiana. 2006. “Voz, sentido y diálogo en Bajtín”. Acta Poética, Primavera 27, 1: 97-114.

GALEANO, Eduardo. 2013. La historia de las miradas. Libro-disco.

TORIANO, Carmen, ABRAHM, Luis. 2020. Feminismos y Política. Entrevista a Elsa Drucaroff. BOLETÍN GEC, Nº 25: 111-133.

MUSEO GABRIELA MISTRAL DE VICUÑA. 1992. “La instrucción de la mujer”. Gabriela Mistral en la Voz de Elqui. Santiago de Chile: Director de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos: 43-45.

QUEZADA, Jaime. 1994. “Organización de las mujeres”. Gabriela Mistral. Escritos Políticos. Ed., notas y pról. Jaime Quezada. 1ra ed. Santiago de Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica.



How to Cite

Antúnez, P. (2022). The social discourses of Gabriela Mistral and the urgency for the visibilization of female voices. Revista De Literaturas Modernas, 52(2), 11–26. Retrieved from