The other look:

The space and the "other" in the travel stories of two nineteenth-century Argentine writers


  • María Elisa Molina Barrios Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Travel, Female subjectivity, Agency, Gender, Public/private


The research work addresses texts that relate the trip to the United States of North America of two Argentine writers of the mid-nineteenth century, Eduarda Mansilla and Juana Manso. Both writers maintain in their stories representations of a space and of an "other" "Yankee" that allows locating their stories within the travel literature of nineteenth-century women. Perhaps these two characteristics of their writings, the travel genre and female authorship, are the reasons why their works did not occupy the center of the cultural field (in Bourdieu's terms) at the time of their publication.
Recuerdos de viaje by Mansilla (1882) and some episodes of Viajes a los Estados Unidos by Juana Manso published as episodes in La ilustración argentina and Álbum de Seño- ritas (1854) have been selected for the analysis. The accent is placed on two charac- teristics of her works: space and the "other" as elements that support the inclusion of her stories in Hodoporic literature. Likewise, it makes it possible to make visible the authors' struggle to cross the border that separates the public from the private space that in the 19th century limited the agency of women to the domestic or family (private) space. Both frames of reference allow us to analyze how women writers construct their stories and their subjectivity; and explain the possible reasons for its exclusion from the literary canons of its time to be recovered with posterity.


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How to Cite

Molina Barrios, M. E. (2023). The other look:: The space and the "other" in the travel stories of two nineteenth-century Argentine writers. Revista Melibea, 17(1), 9–24. Retrieved from