The Art of Deceit in The Book of Good Love and The Celestina


  • Soffía Blystra Boston University


A Go-between, The Book of Good Love, Celestina


This essay compares the success of the two go-betweens from The Book of Good Love and The Celestina. The success of these two characters will be measured by defining what a go-between is, what they do, and how well the two go-betweens did their job. It is important to measure the success of these two go-betweens be- cause it is the very success of the Celestina as a go-between that makes a small con- tribution to her being a popular character in literature and continues to be used as the archetype of the go-between in different literary contexts.


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How to Cite

Blystra, S. (2023). The Art of Deceit in The Book of Good Love and The Celestina. Revista Melibea, 17(2), 68–81. Retrieved from