Diseases And Death In Women Of The Hellenistic World In Four Epigrams From The 2nd To 1st Centuries BC



Diseases, Death, Women, Hellenism, Epigrams


This article focuses on the manifestations of diseases in women and their consequent deaths, through four funerary epigrams, dated in the Hellenistic world between the 2nd and 1st centuries BC. These reflect aspects of daily life that, in this case, refer to female deaths caused by diseases, a very frequent phenomenon in Antiquity. For this, four epigrams have been selected from different geographical points of the Hellenistic world, although recorded in the same centuries: Corinth (ca. II-I BC, epigram 352, GV 2020), Alexandria (I BC, 136, GV 1875), Cyrene (ca. III BC, 226, GV 758) and Renea (I BC, 205, GV 1005). First of all, the translation of the original Greek source will be carried out; Then, an approach will be developed to reconstruct the historical context and daily life from which they come, rescuing the information they provide about women who died from diseases: personal names, origin, age group, social status, family situation, reason for death, sanitary conditions, invocation to the gods, among other qualities. Gender roles, according to the Hellenistic historical and sociocultural context evidenced in the poems examined, reveal the imprint of those times.


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Peek, W. (1955). Griechische Vers-Inschriften. Grab-epigramme / Greek Verse Inscriptions. Epigrams on funerary stelae and monuments. Ares Publishers.

Referencias bibliográficas generales

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Referencias bibliográficas específicas

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How to Cite

Pereyra, Y. A. (2024). Diseases And Death In Women Of The Hellenistic World In Four Epigrams From The 2nd To 1st Centuries BC. Revista Melibea, 18(1), 65–75. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/melibea/article/view/8324