State of the art on legislation resistant and environmental earthquake in the historical center of La Serena (Coquimbo region, Chile)


  • Isabel García García Universidad Central de Chile - Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Escuela de Arquitectura y Paisaje
  • Diego Canales Ramírez Universidad Central de Chile - Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura - Escuela de Arquitectura y Paisaje - Centro de Estudios en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Paisaje


La Serena, real estate, legislation, earthquake resistance, spatial singularity


On january 19, 2019, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 mw, caused serious damages to the heritage of the city of La Serena and demonstrated the vulnerability of the region to natural phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunamis or floods, in addition to the urgent intervention that requires the structure of buildings on the point of collapse or the need to avoid the demolition of heritage buildings without serious structural damage.
Chilean environmental legislation recognizes territorial singularities when evaluating public and private investment projects, incorporating natural phenomena with a direct impact on the identity of its inhabitants and culture, but deeper and more differentiated studies are required, which define sustainable intervention procedures and take into account the spatial singularities of each area.
An attempt is made to verify compliance with current legislation, from the intervention processes to the built heritage, especially in its seismic-resistant structural state, and considering the environmental needs of the study area.The main objective is to demonstrate the shortcomings of current regulations, analyzing the case of the historic center of La Serena to see the impact of making wrong decisions on the sustainability of a highly vulnerable territory. Current instruments, their use and management will be analyzed.




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How to Cite

García García, I., & Canales Ramírez, D. (2020). State of the art on legislation resistant and environmental earthquake in the historical center of La Serena (Coquimbo region, Chile). Revista De Turismo E Identidad, 1(1), 129–157. Retrieved from


