The archaeological heritage importance to the tourism beginning in Mexico. Teotihuacán case study from the 16th century to 1930


  • Eréndira Muñoz Aréyzaga Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Gandhi González Guerrero Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Ruben Nieto Hernández Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • María Eugenia Valdez Pérez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


archaeological heritage, tourism history, Teotihuacán


The aim of this paper is to understand the relationship between archaeological heritage and the development of tourism in Mexico and its institutionalization. It is based on the premise that this heritage was one of the first that became a tourist resource to be commercialized, so it boosted government measures to promote tourism before it was massified in México. Through Teotihuacán case study, the sociocultural processes necessary to transform an archaeological asset into a tourist attraction which occurred from the 16th century to the beginning of the 20thare identified and analyzed.  The life cycle model of a tourist destination is used to periodize it and 19th century travel literature, journalistic notes, and work reports of the institutions in charge of heritage management constitute the sources of information.

The study shows that using the archaeological heritage as a representation of the national identity had an impact on the movement of travelers and tourists. However, the development of tourism and the construction of the tourist image of the country as a destination full of archaeological sites is closely related to the preferences of American tourists and the economic interests of the country in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Aréyzaga, E. ., González Guerrero , G. ., Nieto Hernández , R. ., & Valdez Pérez , M. E. . (2022). The archaeological heritage importance to the tourism beginning in Mexico. Teotihuacán case study from the 16th century to 1930. Revista De Turismo E Identidad, 3(2), 84–116. Retrieved from