Water resource pollution. The Pescara canal and its impacts in the health of Colonia Segovia, Guaymallen inhabitants


  • María Eugenia Fontagnol Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Pescara canal - pollution - health impact


This study focuses on the problem of water pollution in the Pescara canal, in the district of Guaymallén: Colonia Segovia, mainly analyzing whether this problem has an impact on the health of the population. It works from the perception of the inhabitants of the place, seeking to recognize if human health is affected by developing in this context of pollution. This is why it is studied from the point of life of Health Geography. The objective of the work is to know the main problems that arise in the health of the community and evaluate the impact of pollution on the population of Colonia Segovia. As a main result, it was possible to obtain the spatial representation of the surveys and to be able to transmit the perception of the population through cartography.


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How to Cite

Fontagnol, M. E. (2019). Water resource pollution. The Pescara canal and its impacts in the health of Colonia Segovia, Guaymallen inhabitants. Boletín De Estudios Geográficos, (111), 123–144. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/beg/article/view/2493



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