The theatre of Federico García Lorca: glimmers of female liberation within patriarchal traditions


  • José Luis Fernando Aguilar Universidad Nacional de Jujuy


Federico García Lorca, Yerma, Blood Wedding, feminism, patriarchy


The dramatic works of Federico García Lorca Blood Wedding and Yerma, despite having been published in the 1930s of the last century, raise themes so current that we could say that the work of the author exhibits and seeks from fiction a deep social commitment. In its plots flashes emerge of a vindication of women’s equality in a patriarchal system, that is still difficult to dismiss from thought systems and behavioral patterns. The Bride, Yerma and the Second Girl, each in their own way and concomitantly to their ideas and impulses, face a whole structure of institutions, habits and traditions whose objective is to claim dignity and their inalienable rights.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, J. L. F. (2019). The theatre of Federico García Lorca: glimmers of female liberation within patriarchal traditions. Boletín GEC, (24), 11–23. Retrieved from