Weird theory of distance




Distance, fugitivity, temporality, performative, privacy


This text is a study on distance. We could speak of spatial distance, an interval between bodies, which now, more than ever, has become relevant and feared, and something to be avoided at all costs. But there would also be a temporal distance, which exists between events or rhythms, that is difference, withdrawal, with an abstract meaning or with a carefully calculated approach. At what distance should bodies be separated so as not to feel too close? How far away to stand so as not to be too isolated? What distance should be occupied by those who want solitude, who prefer simply to be out of the way? This essay addresses and rehearses distance. And it does so by placing it in the current context and basing it on the defense made by thinkers, creators or case studies, such as Lee Lozano, as they considered distance as something necessary to work, think or breathe and, furthermore, in contemporary society, as micropolitics that allows to crack the inertia of mobilism, repetition and homogenization of subjectivities, times and ways of life.


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How to Cite

Martí, O. (2022). Weird theory of distance. Boletín GEC, (29), 33–55.