Notes on theater as an essential activity: the unexpected



theatre, pandemic, essential activity, Daulte, theory of theatre


The interruption of the performing arts during the pandemic and the sudden hyper-mediatization of sociability caused some already known truths to be experienced with an intensity capable of generating unpredictable ideas. This essay analyzes some of them, especially an audacious text by Javier Daulte in which he proclaimed to the State the declaration of theater as an essential activity, wielding the category of "face-to-face praxis of art". The Argentine playwright upholds the implacable thesis that the face-to-face praxis of art is a condition for the existence of art itself. In addition, he argues that theater contributes to building healthier social ties by generating unexpected identifications with others.

Author Biography

Luis Emilio Abraham, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Ha sido becario de la Fundación Carolina (2002-2003) y de CONICET (2005-2010). Se desempenña como docente-investigador en la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, donde tiene el cargo de profesor titular. Las áreas a las que se ha dedicado son fundamentalmente la teoría literaria, con especial atención a la teatrología, y el teatro actual en espanñol.


Daulte, Javier (2020). “Javier Daulte pidió que el Estado declare ‘esencial la praxis presencial del arte’ y que vuelva el teatro”. Ámbito, 21 oct. Disponible en:

Zamboni, Chiara (1996). “Lo inaudito”. Diótima. Traer al mundo el mundo. Objeto y objetividad a la luz de la diferencia sexual. Barcelona: Icaria.


30-06-2022 — Updated on 25-11-2022

How to Cite

Abraham, L. E. (2022). Notes on theater as an essential activity: the unexpected. Boletín GEC, (29), 7–18. Retrieved from