The "substitute theater" during the Pandemic: Conviviality crisis in technical and narrative aspects




theater, pandemic, conviviality crisis, technical devices


In this article we will carry out an analysis and comparison of three productions by theater artists, composed and released in the context of the Pandemic, during the year 2020: Oriente (Timbre 4), Pizarra (Schaubühne Theatre) and Reconstrucción (El amo del mundo) (Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires). The objective will be to work around two fundamental axes: the crisis of conviviality and the related use of filming and edition to externalize and reinforce it visually, two recurring elements in this type of artistic production in the context of the Pandemic, both nationally and internationally.


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How to Cite

Distefano, A. F. (2022). The "substitute theater" during the Pandemic: Conviviality crisis in technical and narrative aspects. Boletín GEC, (30), 147–164.