Metatextuality and narrative identity in Mi verdadera historia by Juan José Millás




metatextuality, narrative identity, disease, biopolitics, Juan José Millás


The metatextual problem has long been one of the main interests of literary critics. In regards of Hispanism’s field, it constitutes the constructive matrix of current narrative programs, such as Juan José Millás’ one. Our work will include an investigation of metatextuality’s effects in a specific novel by the mentioned author: Mi verdadera historia (2016), and its connection with the challenge of reader’s cooperation. The studied procedures will acknowledge the figuration of an identity that, since assuming its narrative character, produces a place for biopolitical agency where a double movement is articulated (Dolzani, 2020, p. 79). On one side, the interrogation of legibility’s regimes that delimits scales of lives’ hierarchies; on the other, the generation of an enunciative space, which makes use of fiction to develop new affectivity’s frameworks that shape another livable forms of life.


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How to Cite

Fianaca, S. (2024). Metatextuality and narrative identity in Mi verdadera historia by Juan José Millás. Boletín GEC, (34), 218–235.