The Grammaticalization of the Indefined Compound Cualquier/a in Historical Documents of The Province of San Juan


  • Lautaro Fernando López Maggioni Departamento de Letras, Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüísticas y Filológicas Manuel Alvar (INILFI), Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de San Juan.


Grammatization, Undefined Compounds, Cognitive Linguistics, Province of San Juan


This paper addresses the diachronic analysis of the undefined compound cualquier/a in the variety of Spanish in San Juan. The general objective is to investigate the grammaticalization state of the compound between the 17th and 19th centuries, its productivity and the meaning it provides in its variants - apocopated and full - during the selected temporary cut. A corpus of 570 historical documents kept in different repositories of the province of San Juan was selected for this purpose: legal documents dated from 1601 to 1800, belonging to the Fondo Histórico and the Fondo Tribunales of the Archivo General de la Provincia de San Juan; and news from the newspapers "El abogado federal (1836) and El Zonda (1862), belonging to the Museo Provincial Agustín Gnecco archive. It is hypothesized that cualquier/a, due to its high referential flexibility, should have prevailed against quienquiera in use. This research is carried out from the approach of Cognitive Functional Linguistics, theoretical framework that conceives the language as an instrument that symbolizes the speakers conceptualizations, which are conditioned by their corporeal experiences of both the external world and the relationship they have with that world. As language uses shared conceptual structures, conventionalized among speakers of the same speaking community, we can give meaning to other’s communicative intention because we have immeasurable conceptual structures compatible with those of our interlocutors.

Author Biography

Lautaro Fernando López Maggioni, Departamento de Letras, Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüísticas y Filológicas Manuel Alvar (INILFI), Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de San Juan.

Licenciado en Letras (UNSJ). Es Profesor Asociado en Métodos de Investigación en Lingüística (Letras, FFHA, UNSJ) y docente investigador en el Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüísticas y Filológicas Manuel Alvar (INILFI, FFHA, UNSJ). Su línea de trabajo aborda procesos de gramaticalización y subjetivización (evidencialidad, modalidad epistémica) en documentos de archivos de la Región de Cuyo, Argentina, desde el marco Funcional Cognitivo.


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How to Cite

López Maggioni, L. F. (2019). The Grammaticalization of the Indefined Compound Cualquier/a in Historical Documents of The Province of San Juan. Anales De Lingüística, (3), 49–72. Retrieved from


