To Know and not to Know: The Co-Construction of the Inquiry Project in Colloquial Conversation


  • Guillermina Inés Piatti Universidad Nacional de La Plata


discourse markers, functions, conversation


In this paper, some uses of certain epistemic modality expressions (the truth is, it is true that, I don’t know, what do I know) are described in relation to discursive functions that are carried out by speakers in order to achieve a “project of inquiry” (Stalnaker, 2002). In fact, speakers’ intentional exchange of information takes place in most conversations by discovering jointly how things are and contributing with true data to a shared body of information. According to González (2014) and López Serena and González Márquez (2018) the above-mentioned epistemic markers, among many others, evoke the speaker as a conceptualizer / modalizer of what he says and leave open the possibility of including the listener by guiding his interpetations. In this way, epistemic modality evidenced by these resources’ accounts for the speaker’s commitment or attitude towards information and his intention of sharing his interpretation with the listener. It seems important to contextualize the use of these expressions in order to establish more adequately functions and meanings conveyed by these means. Analysed conversations belong to ECAR’s corpus (Colloquial Spanish in Argentina).

Author Biography

Guillermina Inés Piatti, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Doctora en Letras y Magíster en Lingüística. Se desempeña como profesora adjunta en la asignatura Técnicas de expresión en castellano, del departamento de Lenguas Modernas de la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNLP, donde además es coordinadora académica del área de enseñanza de Español a extranjeros. Sus investigaciones versan sobre la interacción entre gramática y pragmática en la conversación coloquial. Recientemente fue codirectora del Proyecto de incentivos Significados situados en la conversación coloquial: una aproximación funcional a recursos léxicogramaticales, cuya dirección estuvo a cargo de la Dra. Luisa Granato y en el cual se enmarca el trabajo que se presenta. En la actualidad, dirige el proyecto La gestión de la información en la conversación coloquial y en el discurso político.


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How to Cite

Piatti, . G. I. (2022). To Know and not to Know: The Co-Construction of the Inquiry Project in Colloquial Conversation. Anales De Lingüística, (8), 125–156. Retrieved from