On the Long Vowels in Spanish Loans to Quechua Huanca


  • Víctor Gonzalo Ramírez Herrera Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología


Phonology, Phonetics, quechua I, categorical perception


The present research investigates the behavior of certain lexical elements in Spanish when adapting to the phonological system of Quechua Huanca. On one hand, this variety belongs to Quechua I and exhibits a significant distinction between long and short vowels (Adelaar, 1984; Cerrón-Palomino, 1987, p. 254; Parke, 1963, p. 247; Torero, 1964, p. 30). This distinction is functional and productive in the present context (Cerrón-Palomino, 1976a, pp. 34-36; 1987c, pp. 234-235; Julca, 2021, pp. 32-42). On the other hand, Spanish does not possess this feature; however, when loaning terms to Quechua, this distinction emerges in nativized elements. Our working hypothesis suggests the existence of a categorical decision process (Escudero 2005: 7-13) regarding the Spanish input, based on the phonetic and phonological criteria of Quechua Huanca. In other words, the Huanca ear decides, based on its language's criteria, whether the allophonic duration of Spanish vowels adapts as long or short vowels. Our work involves analyzing both systems and understanding the implied adaptation process. To defend our position, we will follow three steps: firstly, we will present the problem with examples. Secondly, we propose our solution and the steps to demonstrate it. Thirdly, we will summarize the findings and propose some predictions based on our discoveries. Finally, we will present the conclusions reached. Our presentation of each of these points will be relatively concise but illustrative, primarily due to space constraints.

Author Biography

Víctor Gonzalo Ramírez Herrera, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología

Víctor Gonzalo Ramírez Herrera (Lima, 1983) es licenciado en Lingüística por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú y magíster en Filosofía por la misma Universidad. En la primera área, investiga lenguas andinas y Psicolingüística. En la segunda, temas de Epistemología y Filosofía de la Ciencia. Actualmente, se desempeña como docente e investigador en la Universidad de Ingeniería y Tecnología. Asimismo, dicta el curso de Introducción al quechua en dicha Universidad. Es editor adjunto de la Revista SYNTAGMAS de Cuzco, Perú. Cuenta también con producción en el área de poesía y en teatro.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Herrera, V. G. (2023). On the Long Vowels in Spanish Loans to Quechua Huanca. Anales De Lingüística, (11), 163–194. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/analeslinguistica/article/view/7267


