Words to see and touch: a dialogue with Incaic culture in Cecilia Vicuña’s poetry


  • María Lucía Puppo Centro de Estudios de Lit. Comp. "M. T. Maiorana", Universidad Católica Argentina. CONICET


Cecilia Vicuña, Twentieth century, Latin América Poetry, Interartistics relations, Visuality, Tactility


Poet, performer and transnational artist, Cecilia Vicuña (Santiago de Chile, 1948) has developed a multifaceted work in which the experimentation with the most diverse materials, registers and formats stands out. Hers is a work that crosses different themes and geographies, always rehearsing new ways to visualize and deepen its Andean roots. In this paper we propose an approach to La Wik'uña (1990), the first book of the author published in Chile, where the pre-Columbian legacy is explored through the recovery of symbols, words, rituals and beliefs of the Inca, Quechua and Guarani cultures. It is a text that, as clarified in a final note by the author, was created together with the essay Abstract Stone. The Inca sculpture: a contemporary vision (1989) of the artist César Paternosto (La Plata, 1931), by then her husband. Our aim is to explore the contact zones between visuality, materiality and writing in the compositions of La Wik'uña through the examination of a series of images and strategies that converge in a "visual- tactile semiotics" of poetry, analogous to the one that Paternosto recognized in Inca architecture.

Author Biography

María Lucía Puppo, Centro de Estudios de Lit. Comp. "M. T. Maiorana", Universidad Católica Argentina. CONICET


María Lucía Puppo es Doctora en Letras y miembro de carrera del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), con sede en el Centro de Estudios de Literatura Comparada "María Teresa Maiorana" de la Universidad Católica Argentina. En esta institución es Profesora Titular de Teoría de la Comunicación y Teoría y Análisis del Discurso Literario y, desde diciembre de 2018, se desempeña como Directora del Departamento de Letras. Publicó los libros La música del agua. Poesía y referencia en la obra de Dulce María Loynaz (Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2006) y Entre el vértigo y la ruina: poesía contemporánea y experiencia urbana (Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2013). Junto a Mariano García y María José Punte coordinó el volumen Espacios, imágenes y vectores: desafíos actuales de las literaturas comparadas (Buenos Aires, Universidad Católica Argentina-Miño y Dávila, 2015).



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How to Cite

Puppo, M. L. . (2019). Words to see and touch: a dialogue with Incaic culture in Cecilia Vicuña’s poetry. Boletín De Literatura Comparada, (44), 97–113. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs3/index.php/boletinliteratura/article/view/2758


