Joyce’s Stream-of-Consciousness Technique as an Integral Component of the Twentieth-Century Argentine Literary Canon


  • Michael Dirschel Southern Connecticut State University



Stream-of-consciousness, James Joyce, Argentine Literature, XXist Century, Literary Reception, Translation


The experimentation with the stream of consciousness technique within the Argentine literary production throughout the 20th century is a focus of study that needs deeper exploration.  The present article proposes a look at this field through an investigation of the impact of Ulysses, by James Joyce, in the works of Borges, Marechal, Cortázar and Saer, with particular attention toward an assembly of specific characteristics: the use of fragmented sentences, parataxis, free association, unexpected grammatical use, the extension of the present moment, and wordplay. This analysis hopes to contribute to the study of the evolution of Joycean techniques in Argentine and Latin American literature. 


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How to Cite

Dirschel , M. (2021). Joyce’s Stream-of-Consciousness Technique as an Integral Component of the Twentieth-Century Argentine Literary Canon. Boletín De Literatura Comparada, 1(46), 87–112.


