The Subject and the Truth:

the Configuration of the narrative Voice based on the Notion of ‘parresia’ in Ivan Jablonka and Javier Cercas


  • Florencia Strajilevich Knoll Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Second World War, Memory, Subjectivity, Truth, Voice


The following work is based on the analysis of two literary works that were published in the 21st century: Historia de los abuelos que no tuve, by Ivan Jablonka, and El impostor, by Javier Cercas, two novels that are articulated around the search and investigation of the past based on the events –and their effects– that emerge from the period of the Second World War. One of the categories of analysis that is taken is the one of narrative voice whose construction, in each story, is conditioned by the way in which the subject
relates to the truth throughout the narrative outline. This relationship established between subject and truth responds to the concept of “parrhesia” –second category of analysis–, a term analyzed by Michel Foucault in his book Discourse and Truth; from this idea, truth is thought not as an objective in itself but as a path of search and permanent transformation along which individuals try to understand “what men do.”

Author Biography

Florencia Strajilevich Knoll, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Florencia Strajilevich es Licenciada y Profesora en Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Actualmente, se desempeña como Profesora de Lengua de Nivel Secundario en la ciudad de Puerto Madryn, Chubut. Es becaria interna doctoral de Conicet desde el mes de abril del año 2023. Ha sido admitida recientemente al Doctorado en Estudios Sociales Interdisciplinarios de Europa y América Latina, promovido por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en convenio con la Universidad de Rostock (Alemania).


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How to Cite

Strajilevich Knoll, F. (2023). The Subject and the Truth: : the Configuration of the narrative Voice based on the Notion of ‘parresia’ in Ivan Jablonka and Javier Cercas. Boletín De Literatura Comparada, 2(48), 99–118.


