Portrait of Ottoman Women in Fatma Aliye’s Novel: Udi





Turkish novel, Feminism, Fatma Aliye, 19th century


This article provides an analysis of the image of Ottoman women during the transformation and changes of the late XIX Century through the novel Udi by Fatma Aliye, considered the first Ottoman Turkish novelist and translator. The independent women who populate her stories and novels defy the codes of conduct of the time. The author elaborates the psychology of new and modern female literary archetypes such as Bedia and Helvila from art, fashion and moral codes.

Author Biography

Nesrin Karavar, Universitat de Barcelona

Doctora por la Universidad de Barcelona. Actualmente es Profesora de Literatura Turca contemporánea y de lengua turca en la Universidad de Barcelona y en el Máster del Mundo Árabe e Islámico de la misma universidad. Es Investigadora invitada en el centro de Literatura Comparada en la Universidad de Cuyo en Mendoza (2023-2024).


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How to Cite

Karavar, N. (2024). Portrait of Ottoman Women in Fatma Aliye’s Novel: Udi. Boletín De Literatura Comparada, 1(49), 17–44. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.54.030


