"One of those half-mad Hoffmann heroes." Balzac, Hoffmann and the metaphysical foundation of The Human Comedy
Honoré de Balzac, E. T. A. Hoffmann, fantastic Literature, Walter Scott, The Human ComedyAbstract
This article studies the centrality of E. T. A. Hoffmann's fantastic literature in Honoré de Balzac's poetics and, in particular, in the constitution of the system of The Human Comedy. It argues that Hoffmann's literature, translated and reformulated in the French literary market, is articulated as a metaphysical foundation of the system of The Human Comedy, in the category of "Philosophical Studies". To develop the proposition, the article works on the reception of Hoffmann's fantastic tales in France in the 1830s; Balzac's materialist reading of those texts; and on the basis of that reception and that reading, the constitution of a metaphysics that Balzac calls Theory of Will.
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