History of the journal

The Boletín de Literatura Comparada (BLC), with ISSN 0325-3775, has been published without interruption since 1976. It is subsidized by the Secretary of Science and Technology of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. In a first stage, it has been mainly intended to disseminate the research of the members of the Centro de Literatura Comparada (CLC) of the Facultad de Filosofía y Letras of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Currently, the BLC is a refereed publication, open to the presentation of investigations of the Discipline to other specialists from the country and abroad linked to the CLC.

It has also given rise in its pages to the publication of conference proceedings of the Argentine Asociación Argentina de Literatura Comparada (AALC), as well as colloquia of the specialty. The numbers corresponding to the year XXVI-XXVII (2001-2002) and XXXVI (2011) offer general indexes of the journal. The BLC only accepts original works.