A northern grammar: filming from Salta.

Micropolitics of space and orality in the cinema of Lucrecia Martel





Lucrecia Martel, contemporary Argentine cinema, micropolitics of space, orality


In this article, I will observe two omnipresent mechanisms in the cinematography of Lucrecia Martel. In the first place, I will analyze in the film La ciénaga (2001) a political urgency to inquire into microspaces, through an obsessive gaze, a mechanism that I consider runs through her project from one extreme to the other. Secondly, in the short film Nueva Argirópolis (2010) I will analyze what I call an oral cinema, that is, a cinema with a total pre-eminence of orality and voice. Martel postulates in her films a politics of voices, which she has specifically located as "a grammar from the north", clearly justifying the placement of “speech from Salta against the devaluation of the word". As I will expand on in this article, I propose that this politics of voices is the most radical mechanism for breaking with a previous cinema, and, at the same time, it is the operation that definitively turns Martel's cinema into a project that brings with it a decentralizing gesture. in the Argentine cultural field. In this sense, there is a key political decision that runs through her films as a general operating framework and that I will analyze in detail: filming from Salta. I believe that Martel's film project designs new provincial routes for Argentine cinema and works from exceptionally investigated spaces and perspectives within a national film tradition. In addition, in her “filming from Salta” she investigates localized conflicts that had never been observed from a cinematographic perspective, without settling for simplifying visions of certain cartographies.


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How to Cite

D’Alessandro, N. (2023). A northern grammar: filming from Salta.: Micropolitics of space and orality in the cinema of Lucrecia Martel. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (39), 1–37. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.34.073