The despotic regime of the epistolary writer in El pudor del pornógrafo de Alan Pauls


  • María Luisa Martínez Muñoz Universidad de Concepción



letters, pornographic imagination, betrayal, face, name


El pudor del pornógrafo (Pauls, 1985) is a novel of pornographic imagination that reformulates not only the conventional pornographic narrative such as the gothic novel, but can also be characterized as a series of appropriationist resources used by its author. Pauls also appeals to the corruption of the epistolar genre, to the amorous perversion suggested by letters under threat of unnameable dangers that cipher other parodies: risks of interception, linked to an epoch signed by political terror and rewritten in a fantastic key; literary paternity expressed as molecular becomings that traverse the protagonists (a witch and a vampire): demonic flows in the act of writing, subversion of the pornographic precept of placing the pleasure principle before the principle of efficiency; disenchantment in the amorous utopia, betrayal, orchestrated by a feminine protagonist who experiences a state of becoming and indicates that in order to be capable of love, it is necessary to have discarded love, the face and names. The body without organs of writing has been captured in letters that subsitute the body, the fragments that compose it, in the epistolar writing of the novel.


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How to Cite

Martínez Muñoz, M. L. (2023). The despotic regime of the epistolary writer in El pudor del pornógrafo de Alan Pauls. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (39), 1–17.