Refute the time

Dream and language wandering in Borges




Time , Dream, Wandering, Post-structuralism, Jorge Luis Borges


In this article we propose that in the literary work of Jorge Luis Borges there is a concern for the ends and limits of time, which has been approached, from different theoretical-methodological approaches, by his commentators. This concern notably affects the stylistic development and the thematic interest that can be seen in Borges's writing. The purpose of this article is to illuminate the avenues of orientation that his literary writing generates in thinkers such as Maurice Blanchot, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. The dialogue between literature and philosophy is, consequently, key in this article, which also intends, based on a series of examples of the narrative and essay writing of the Argentine writer, to re-install the concern for time within the framework of reflection on Borgean writing.

Author Biography

Cristian Enrique Cisternas Cruz, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Departamento en Español

Facultad de Humanidades y Artes.


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21-06-2021 — Updated on 24-06-2021


How to Cite

Cisternas Cruz, C. E. (2021). Refute the time: Dream and language wandering in Borges. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (34), 1–18. (Original work published June 21, 2021)