The "mulata" as National Artifact: an Approximation to Cecilia Valdésand La esclava Isaura


  • Mónica Barrientos Universidad Autónoma de Chile


National Fundation, Female mulatto, Miscegenation, Whitening


The purpose of this research is to analyze the female figure in two foundational novels, such as Cecilia Valdés by Cirilo Villaverde and La Esclava Isaura by Bernardo Guimarães. We will analyze from three perspectives, the first one, whitening or miscegenation in the entrance to modernity through the concepts of race, nation and class; second, the figure of the female mulatto in the construction of the nation and, finally, the exotizatio n of the female body in the characters.


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How to Cite

Barrientos, M. (2019). The "mulata" as National Artifact: an Approximation to Cecilia Valdésand La esclava Isaura. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 20(1), 71–85. Retrieved from