The nightmare of happiness in La perra, by Pilar Quintana


  • Orfa Kelita Vanegas Vásquez Universidad del Tolima, Colombia


(Un)happiness, Colombian Novel, Maternity, Political Emotions, Pilar Quintana


The idea of (un)happiness is proposed as the aesthetic principle that defines the compositional elements of the novel La perra, by Pilar Quintana. We propose that based upon the exploration of a saddened self because of an undone "promise of happiness", the writing style shapes an aesthetic of the remoteness of what is desired, which expressed through images of desolation, exposes the most intimate aspects of the characters and the events. The tone of the narration produces a dense atmosphere: inhabited by the remoteness of desire and the escape of beauty. The places, the time, the topic, the turns of language are constituted as the symbolic epicenter of who possesses nothing, but risks everything in pursuit of that something that will distance him from the dread of routine. The aesthetics of the frustrated desire means the loss of the ability to produce a future and, at the same time, it explores the unhappy state of the alienated subject who does not stop dreaming, although dreams turn into horror or nightmare.

Author Biography

Orfa Kelita Vanegas Vásquez, Universidad del Tolima, Colombia

Profesora Asociada de la Universidad del Tolima, Colombia


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How to Cite

Vanegas Vásquez, O. K. (2020). The nightmare of happiness in La perra, by Pilar Quintana. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (33), 43–68. Retrieved from