Libertad Demitrópulos' Un piano en bahía desolación: Women Trafficking and Patriarchal Pacts in the Arrival of Capital Enterprise and the National State to Patagonia




Demitrópulos, Women, Violence, 19th century, Patagonia


Abstract: The article analyzes the novel Un piano en Bahía Desolación (1994), by Argentine writer Libertad Demitrópulos, from a gender studies perspective. The main object of the analysis is the female protagonist, Nancy, a young lower-class English woman who is sold in marriage to an Austrian cattleman in Patagonia, and sent by boat from Liverpool to Punta Arenas. Our reading hypothesis considers the biography of the character as an itinerary marked by violence, patriarchal pacts and the use of economic debt as a restraint mechanism. This will be interpreted in relation to the historical episode staged in the novel: the meeting between the presidents of Chile and Argentina in the city of Punta Arenas in February 1899, as it sealed the consolidation of the Argentine Nation-State and the establishment of the agricultural-exporting economic model. Our goal is to link the representation of patriarchal violence with the settlement of a capitalist economy in the Patagonian region by the end of the 19th century.


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How to Cite

Abbate, F. (2021). Libertad Demitrópulos’ Un piano en bahía desolación: Women Trafficking and Patriarchal Pacts in the Arrival of Capital Enterprise and the National State to Patagonia. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (34), 1–22.