Navigating through the intimacies -or not- of Monica Mayer.

The process of a book about art, life, and feminism.



Mónica Mayer, Feminism, Files, Art, Edition


About the visual and textual work of the feminist artist Mónica Mayer, this essay makes indications of the character, content, structure, and intentions of the book Intimidades ... o no. Art, life, and feminism (comp. Julia Antivilo and Katnira Bello). A publication that brings together various texts authored by Mayer, written between 1976 and 2014, including diaries, letters, chronicles, opinion articles, lectures, conceptual and literary pieces. The editing process narrated in this text is shared from the personal point of view of Katnira Bello, a participant in reviewing and selecting texts for the compilation, and the process of editing and designing the book by this important artist feminist.



How to Cite

Bello Enriquez, K. S. (2021). Navigating through the intimacies -or not- of Monica Mayer.: The process of a book about art, life, and feminism. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (34), 1–12. Retrieved from