From anecdote to joke: condensation exercises in Guillermo Cabrera Infante's narrative




Satire, Myth, Choteo, Abbreviation


In the study, two short texts by Guillermo Cabrera Infante are observed –a fragment of “La casa de los espejos ” from Tres tristes tigres and the dialogue entitled “La habanera tú” from Exorcismos de esti(l)o– to analyze the various manifestations of the game. In the analysis, Jorge Mañach's essay, Indagación del choteo, is used, and it reflects on the possibilities of caricature from a distance. It also focuses on the myth of Narcissus and Eco, the visual and the sound, when observing how humor is built through the playful, in a long or short version, through contrasts and symmetries, antagonisms and parodic rewritings and satirical.


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How to Cite

Kutasy, M. . . . . (2022). From anecdote to joke: condensation exercises in Guillermo Cabrera Infante’s narrative. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (36), 1–16.