Critical views of the appropriation of the reflective practice in teacher education. A literature revision.


  • Rosa María Bolivar Osorio Universidad de Antioquia. Colombia


reflexive practice, teacher education, teacher practice, initial teacher, education, reflection


In the last 30 years, the reflective hermeneutical perspective has been positioned as the best alternative for teacher education. This has been possible thanks to the development of ideas of the reflective practice proposed at the time by Donald Schön. It is particularly difficult to find positions that question these postulates and warn us of the precautions that must be taken when we want to implement it. This is what this article is about, it presents the results of the literature revision in a file made up of 90 sources, from which nine are criticized on the way in which this speech has appropriated professional teaching and especially of teacher education. It concludes by recognizing these tensions that arise in its implementation, it is possible to generate spaces to recover the force of this training perspective, taking special caution of not letting it be captured by the logic of continuous improvement and the efficiency of society that has individualized teachers making them the only responsible ones of improving educational quality.


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How to Cite

Bolivar Osorio, R. M. (2021). Critical views of the appropriation of the reflective practice in teacher education. A literature revision. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 2(1), 104–132. Retrieved from