News not so new sociability as an analytical category and the social condition of man


  • María Isabel Becerra Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Social space, Sociability, Maurice Agulhon, Aristotle


The manuals on contemporary historiography tend to put emphasis on the innovations proposed by historiographical currents for the work of the historian. These schools include new political history and his invitation to return to the political issue but with a tinge of culturalist. Within this approach, we are with the work of Maurice Agulhon, French historian, who proposes a new category historical which called sociability or social space, whose success and application in research and papers in various academic meetings has caught our attention. This is why we intend to delve into this category through the authors proposed standardisation (definition)

On the other hand has received different objections, one of them is their inconsistency or insufficient specification. We propose to contribute to a better elucidation of this category in light of some Greek thinkers who have theorized just on the social condition of man, for which we’ll look at Chapter 1 of Aristotle and a section of the ethics policy to The same author Nicomachean.

Our hypothesis is that if we consider the social status as natural to man better understand this category and can at the same time explain its success and application in temporal, spatial and thematic fields as broad. We do not believe that this proposal as contemporary lose consistency (relevance) but on the contrary will be enriched giving an anthropological basis.


Agulhon Maurice (2009) El Círculo Burgués. Seguido de una Pequeña autobiografía Intelectual. Edición al cuidado de Pilar González Bernaldo. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI editores.

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González Bernaldo de Quirós P. (2007) La sociabilidad y la Historia política. En: Peire J. (comp.) Actores, representaciones e imaginarios. Homenaje a Francois- Xavier Guerra. Caseros: EDUNTREF.

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How to Cite

Becerra, M. I. (2018). News not so new sociability as an analytical category and the social condition of man. Revista De Historia Universal, (19), 33–46. Retrieved from



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