Legal aspects in Ptolemaic Egypt within the context of ethnic- cultural diversity


  • Roberto Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco - Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (UNPSJB-FHCS). Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral - Unidad Académica San Julián (UNPA-UASJ)


Ptolemaic Egypt, law, papiry


The present article aims at analysing the legal aspects in Egypt during Ptolemaic domination, within the framework of the interaction of different ethnic- cultural communities.
Ptolemy, son of Lagos, had received the satrapy of Egypt and associated territories after the division of Alexander's Empire, and in 305 B.C. he took the title of "pharaoh" for the Egyptian society, and "basileus" for all others, proclaiming his authority over the entire territory of Egypt. In some aspects, Egypt in the hands of the Greco-Macedonian elite is essentially different from the Egypt in the hands of the pharaohs. In this respect, the replacement of an indigenous ruler by a foreigner was of crucial importance. Ptolemaic Egypt involved the subordination of the indigenous population to the interests of the new ruling elite, adopting a cautious policy and understanding the need to maintain a cautious attitude towards the dominated majority.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, R. (2022). Legal aspects in Ptolemaic Egypt within the context of ethnic- cultural diversity. Revista De Historia Universal, (26), 89–102. Retrieved from



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