To teach History in a health emergency context
melting of a classroom's walls and new spectators in classes
education during the pandemic, Covid-19, virtual education, teaching performance during the pandemic, pedagogical narrativesAbstract
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in everyday life modified people’s lives and school has not remained unaffected. School institutions found themselves facing an unheard situation that implied a quick decision making and their modification on a daily basis. The learning was thus completely subverted and so it was the teaching approach.
We seek to reflect upon our personal experiences during the 2020 academic year that has just been through the most significant problematics. Here, we understand that the conversion of the classroom from a physical space into a virtual one challenged the teaching of History and the generation of meaningful learning while the lives of students was focusing on other worries.
The objective guiding this paper is to articulate our experiences as secondary school teachers concerning virtual learning during 2020 and to provide a theoretical frame to our teaching performance from a qualitative point of view.
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