Theatrum Mundi. The theatrical code in Aguafuertes porteñas by Roberto Arlt (1928-1932)


  • José María Risso Nieva Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, INVELEC – Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Comparative Literature, Aguafuertes porteñas, Narrative, Drama, Mediator code, Roberto Arlt


Roberto Arlt's journalistic career was strengthened around 1928, when he assumed the responsibility of writing daily in the "Aguafuertes porteñas" section of El Mundo. At the same time, he entered the literary field by writing–in the first moment–novels, to later dedicate himself definitively to the theater, beginning with the premiere of the play Trescientos millones (1932). The resounding change in Roberto Arlt's work from the novel to the play has received numerous explanations from critics. However, his production as a journalist has not received the necessary attention in understanding the plot of continuities. We maintain that the background of his dramaturgy must be sought, not only in his novelistic work, but also in his chronicles. In this article, we will be able to demonstrate that theatrical language, as a mediating code, is present as theme, writing and metaphor in Arlt the journalist and recedes Roberto the playwright. The problem that we pose, centered on the narrative/drama modal tension, is part of the field of Comparative Literature (Guillén, 1985), and we address this interaction from a set of theoretical postulates from the semiotics of culture (Lotman, 2000) and dramatology (García Barrientos, 2001).

Author Biography

José María Risso Nieva, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, INVELEC – Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

José María Risso Nieva es Licenciado en Letras. Se desempeña como Jefe de Trabajos Prácticos en la asignatura Lengua y Literatura Latinas I de la carrera Profesorado/Licenciatura en Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Es becario doctoral del CONICET y desarrolla su tesis sobre tradición clásica y dramaturgia de Tucumán. Publicó artículos en 452ºF (Barcelona), Anagnórisis (Barcelona), Poligramas (Cali) y AURA (Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires), entre otras.


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How to Cite

Risso Nieva, J. M. (2020). Theatrum Mundi. The theatrical code in Aguafuertes porteñas by Roberto Arlt (1928-1932). Boletín De Literatura Comparada, 1(45), 15–38. Retrieved from


