Art, gender and comprehensive sexual education in teacher training.
From gouge to the ink that narrates corporalities
university teacher education, comprehensive sexual education, literature, sociology, artsAbstract
Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE) marked an indisputable turn in the ways of conceiving sexuality, and the place of the State and families in the education of children, the youths and adolescents in Argentina. The different educational levels have been questioned since the enactment of this regulation and teacher
education is no exception. In an uneven way, in the Institutos Superiores de Formación Docente (ISFD) CSE was incorporated in specific spaces, while in national universities and in university teaching staff its inclusion has become more
elusive. National regulations (Law 26.150/2006) do not include universities due to the academic autonomy they hold. However, the exemption from the obligation does not disqualify them from being incorporated into the program of study.
Above all, taking into account that the graduates of university teaching staff have the responsibility of the exercise of teaching in areas of competence of the CSE.
In this sense, in this article we present the meeting and disagreement points in the forms of inclusion of CSE in teacher education in the careers of Art, Letters and Sociology in public (national) university institutions located in the Ciudad Autónoma of Buenos Aires. In the three investigations that gave place to this results, a fundamentally qualitative methodology was utilized, which recovers the traditions of educational ethnography and grounded theory for the construction, analysis and processing of data.
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