Teacher education and reflective processes in the transit of a transvestite-trans and dissident educational experience


  • Micaela Pellegrini Malpiedi Instituto Investigaciones Socio Históricas Regionales - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina.
  • Lorena Sguigna Instituto Investigaciones Socio Históricas Regionales Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas - Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina


teacher education, trajectories, ESI, LGTTTBIQA+, Reflection


This research promises to analyze an inclusive education experience: Space Secondary Transvestite, Trans and Dissident (not exclusive) developed in the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, from the year 2021 to the present. Said space, endorsed by Resolution 0531 of the Ministry of Education of Santa Fe, develops under the modality of classroom extension dependent on the middle school for youth and adults (EEMPA N°1147). Mainly trans people and transvestites attend who were expelled from the pre-existing formal education system highlighting the mechanisms of exclusion that the hegemonic school exercises towards the dissidences.

It is known that the constitutive feature of the traditional school has been the prescription of heteronormativity and the binary system as unique expressions of identity. Like gear In this system there is teacher education, which was attended by the educators who are today at the front of this educational experience. Corresponding to this, the question-problem that crosses this writing, inquires about the trajectories linked to comprehensive sexual education and rights from a gender perspective of these teachers. It is interesting to inquire, on the one
hand, the knowledge provided by initial teacher education and, if any, continuous. And on the other, the process of personal reflection carried out by teachers in scenarios that question heteronormativity and the binary system.

The advances of the present investigation were built from semi-structured interviews to teachers and observations of classes in said institution. This study is intended to reveal the formative as well as reflective situation of those who are today in charge of an educational institution created to historically repair the identities that the Educational System has expelled. These data will make it possible to establish the profile of an inclusive teacher, anchored in theperspective of  gender and human rights.


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Entrevistas realizadas en el marco de la investigación

Entrevista 1, docente del Espacio Educativo Secundario Travesti, Trans y Disidente (no excluyente), Rosario, 2022.

Entrevista 2, docente del Espacio Educativo Secundario Travesti. Trans y Disidente (no excluyente), Rosario, 2022.

Entrevista 3, docente del Espacio Educativo Secundario Travesti, Trans y Disidente (no excluyente), Rosario, 2022.

Entrevista 4, docente del Espacio Educativo Secundario Travesti, Trans y Disidente (no excluyente), Rosario, 2022.

Entrevista 5, docente del Espacio Educativo Secundario Travesti, Trans y Disidente (no excluyente), Rosario, 2022.

Entrevista 6, docente del Espacio Educativo Secundario Travesti, Trans y Disidente (no excluyente), Rosario, 2022.

Otros documentos

Correo electrónico oficial, Extensión Áulica - EEMPA N° 1147: ofrecimiento de horas. Lanzan el "Espacio Educativo Secundario Travesti, Trans y Disidente" en la provincia. Diario Uno de Santa Fe. URL: https://www.unosantafe.com.ar/santa-fe/lanzan-el-espacio-educativo-secundario-travesti-trans-y-disidente-la-provincia-n2650519.html



How to Cite

Pellegrini Malpiedi, M., & Sguigna, L. (2023). Teacher education and reflective processes in the transit of a transvestite-trans and dissident educational experience. Encuentro Educativo. Revista De investigación Del Instituto De Ciencias De La Educación, 4(2), 101–121. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/encuentroE/article/view/7047