Evaluation: Theories in Dialogue
evaluation, positioning, stance taking, appraisal system, informal interactionAbstract
Positioning, evaluation and stance taking in interaction have been approached from diverse theoretical frameworks as grammar, semantics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics and interactional sociolinguistics among others. The analysis of positioning in verbal interaction from the socio-cognitive and interactional perspectives (Davies and Harré 1990, Van Langenhove and Harré 1999, McVee 2019) led us to the formulation of the hypothesis that the stance taking theory (Du Bois 2007, Du Bois and Kälkkäinen 2012) and the appraisal system (Martin and White 2005, Oteíza and Pinuer 2019) would offer tools to enrich the application of positioning theory. Taking these frames as a background to our study, we looked at evaluative fragments extracted from a corpus of sixty colloquial conversations among university students with the aim of integrating those aspects which were functional to our analytical needs. In the furtherance of this aim, we carried out a qualitative analysis of the rhetoric-linguistic resources used by the participants in the production of evaluative and positioning acts. The results obtained allowed the design of an integrating conceptual framework that incorporates aspects of the above-mentioned theories and gives way to a more complete study that contributes not only to positioning but also to meaning making in general.
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